Monday, November 17, 2008

OOo Con 2008 --- Wrap Up

I was really impressed about the fact that this years Conference had 9(!) UX-related talks. This is really a success and emphases the importance of user experience in the whole Project. IBM and RedFlag presented [1,2] some pretty cool UI improvements realized on top of

Image courtesy of RedFlag2000 Software CO.,LTD [3]

We've received pretty positive feedback on the User Feedback program and the Isometrics questionnaire [4]. Another talk I'd would like to mention is the "Learn more about office users - Feature usage study by document element statistic" presentation [5] (sadly not publish now). The IBM Lotus Symphony UX Team analyzed 1600 ODF, DOC public available documents for feature usage analysis based on document element statistics. They've figured out that:

* 41% of all documents contain tables
* 95% of all documents contain less than 10000 word (approx. 30 Pages)

As mentioned earlier, it is good to see that interest in UX-related stuff exist and rises. I hope that the next OOo Con brings up even more talks on User Experience related topics.


[1] href="
[2] href="
[3] href="
[4] href="
[5] href="

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