Some months ago, after the release of the 3.0 Beta, some Germans discussed the new Notes in a newsgroup (I don't remember the URL, sorry). There, one user referred to the notes being to colorful. He stated that it would have been better to use no color at all. Personally, I'm a little bit sad how this property of the Notes is perceived. So I would like to give some explanations a try.
Basically, color is an important information carrier and provides clues about the author of the notes. This is similar to the word processor of our biggest competitor. For me, it was no surprise that this request was estimated to be important to work on (different to other requirements which needed some more ... persuasiveness).
We only need colors. And...
The i-Team worked on it for several weeks: defining colors, gradient style, effect, visibility, ... Our requirements were (simplified):
- provide a fresh and modern look, but avoid to distract the user from the actual text document
- keep consistency with existing visual design work (e.g. with the Galaxy Icons Color Palette)
- be based on the color palette of previous versions and the biggest competitors
- consider the maximum number of different authors in the document
- provide compatibility with the markups of the Change Tracking feature

You may have noticed that there are some small differences between the application color palettes. I want to comment two of the decisions of the i-Team. First, the color of the first note is 'yellow' instead of 'red'. Although red is a nice markup color, we wanted most of the people to be able to recognize the little boxes as notes - similar to the sticky paper sheets in the real world. And, we are now somehow compatible with the visualization of notes in Calc. If you don't know what I'm talking about, try adding Notes for two different authors in the Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel and Impress. What a colorful world - they decided to use different visualizations (tested in Office 2003).
When we already have a look at Microsoft Office Word, you may have noticed that Word darkens the Note who currently has the focus. The result is a good recognizability of this note in comparison with the others, but the drawback is a clearly noticeable loss in text contrast. Remember, this is the Note the user views or edits at the moment. Personally, I don't understand that decision.
Let's have a look at a mockup which gives an overview over all the different colors and text elements. Although this is a rather old and chunky picture, you may get the point how it will finally look like... With the help of this picture, we checked the appearance on a variety of different monitors and displays.

Color is good. If you can perceive it!
At the beginning I said something about the importance of color in graphical representations. But there are people having problems to differentiate colors - maybe you know some of them personally (Wikipedia, Color Blindness). First, we checked our colors against color blindness with the help of the open source image application "The Gimp" which provides different filters to simulate color deficient vision. Look...

People may not only have difficulties with colors, there are also other disabilities who have to be considered. Here is how it looks like, although it may hurt if you are not used to it...

If you want to know more about it, then please have a look at the Notes2 color wiki page. And, as always, if you have any comments or opinions to share - simply share it!
Have a nice day,
I like the new notes colors in OOo 3. Yellow for the first notes author was a good decision.
But the standard color palette for text color and background color should be renewed too.
I guess is ok, I am not really sure how to feel about this notes going to the side of the document. I am very nervous about modifying the layout of the document with non printable elements.
Hi Alexandro (jza),
don't worry. Similar to the current Notes visualization, the layout isn't touched at all. The Notes anchors behave like characters, but will not use any space (think of showing them behind the text).
And, we even focused on good separation of document and Notes. This has been discussed in my first blog of the new Notes:
Thanks for your comment!
I'd like to add a comment.
I've been looking for a word processor that allows a dark background, because white lettering on a dark background is more soothing to my eyes. MS Word lets you do this in Print Preview only. There are a couple of writers' tools that allow this throughout their applications, but they aren't completely professional (built by hobbiests, mostly).
OpenOffice allows the dark background with white text, and implements it in a way superior to MS Word. This is good.
Unfortunately, the text colour in the Note is the same as the text colour in the document. This means that when I try to write a note in my nicely dark background document, I get a pastel yellow background (not a problem, really) with white text (very much a problem).
If I could alter the colour of the note, I'd be all set. But I can't, as far as I can tell. I can't change the font colour on the note, either. The notes aren't smart enough to change font colour to one that won't conflict with the note's background.
So, I have no issue with the colours, but I don't like how they've been implemented if you have white as your default font colour.
Hi Allan!
We are planning to support text styles, so the color of the Notes text could then be set independently of the document.
If this would still cause problems, or you don't us to forget your request (*g*), then please file an issue in the issue tracker. You may use the link "Notes2 Issue Tracker Form" we provide at:
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